Zucchini Casserole

Alternate the following:
Crushed cornflakes
Zucchini, sliced w/peel
Onions, sliced thin
Salt & pepper
Parmesan Cheese

Mix & pour over top:
3 eggs
1 C. salad oil
Parmesan cheese

Cover dish & bake 1-1/4 hr. @ 350 degrees.

Omit salt
Use LESS oil
Use egg beaters or
Use less oil and an extra egg

Barb's Note:  This recipe is 40 years old and I never did have amounts. It depends on how large a size casserole someone wants to make. It can be small or large. For a very large casserole, I use 6 eggs. It is completely fail proof no matter what quantity of ingredients is added. It has worked for me since my first days of cooking without a problem.